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Search results for References by san diego zoo institute for conservation research
Ryder, O.A.; Friese, C.; Greely, H.T.; Sandler, R.; saragusty, J.; Durrant, B.S.; Redford, K.H., 2020. Exploring the limits of saving a subspecies: The ethics and social dynamics of restoring northern white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum cottoni). Conservation Science and Practice 2020;e241: 1-8 -


Lord, E.; Dussex, N., ; Kierczak, M.; Díez-del-Molino, D.; Ryder, O.A.; Stanton, D.W.G. ; Gilbert, M.Th.P.; Sánchez-Barreiro, F.; Zhang, Guojie; Sinding, M.-H.S.; and 8 Others, 2020. Pre-extinction demographic stability and genomic signatures of adaptation in the woolly rhinoceros. Current Biology 30: 3871–3879, 3 figs, []


Sandersen, C., 2020. Comment prévenir l'hypoxie pendant l'anesthésie du rhinocéros d'Afrique (Ceratotherium simum et Diceros bicornis). Thesis presented to the University of Liege, Belgium, pp. 1-40


Gao, Chenyuan; San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research, 2020. Metabolic characterization of induced pluripotent stem cells from the critically endangered northern White rhinoceros. Project submitted in partial fulfillment of degree requirements for Master of Science in Biotechnology, California State University, San Marcos 2020 (July 24): summary, 10 slides


Sanchez-Barreiro, F., 2020. The missing horns of Africa: A temporal, population genomics study of the white and black rhinoceroses. Ph.D. Thesis presented to Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 1-170


Ryder, O.A.; Korody, M.; San Diego Zoo Global, 2020. Stems cells to the rescue. Zoonooz (San Diego) 93 November: 14-17, 7 images


Sanisidro Morant, O.; Lopez Cantalapiedra, J.; Cote, S., 2019. A review of African Elasmotheres (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) and their role on early miocene migration events into East Africa. Abstracts Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 79th Annual Meeting: 186


Durrant, B.; San Diego Zoo Global, 2019. San Diego Zoo Global announces historic birth of Southern White rhino calf conceived through artificial insemination. Connect (AZA) December: 9, 1 image


Bohn, K.; San Diego Zoo Global, 2019. Edward - First Southern White rhino conceived thru Artificial Insemination in North America. Zoonooz (San Diego) 92 November calendar issue: front cover, July, 2 images


Gustafson, K.; Sandstrom, T.; Townsend, L., 2018. The Bush War to save the rhino: improving counter-poaching through intelligence. Small Wars & Insurgencies 29 (2):


Mecozzi, B.; Bellucci, L.; Fabio Bona, F.; Cicia, V.; Conti, J.; Iannucci, A.; Iurino, D.A.; Mazzini, I.; Pushkina, D.; Sanzi, R.; Strani, F. & Sardella, R., 2018. Preliminary analysis of the large mammal fauna from layers G to K of Grotta Romanelli, Apulia (Southern Italy). Confer. of the XVIII Ediz. delle Giornate di Paleontologia della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Trento, Giugno 2018: 2 pp.


Coimbra, R.; Santos, R.A.L.; Rocha, C.H.E.D.; Da Cruz Junior, C.A., 2018. Ação da barreira de vidro na redução do ruído em um recinto no zoológico de Brasília. 42nd Congresso da Sociedade de Zoológicos e aquários do Brasil, pp. 1-3


Su, Chiny-yu; San Diego Zoo Institute of Conservation Research, 2018. Phenotypic characterization of horse and (northern White) rhinoceros spermatogonial stem cells. Project submitted in partial fulfillment of degree requirements for Master in Science in Biotechnology, California State University, San Marcos 2018 (April 27): summary, 21 slides


Santoso, E.; Priyambodo; Rustiati, E.L.; Firmansyah, A.B.; Laksito, I.J., 2018. Food plants of Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) in Tambling Wildlife Nature Conservation (TWNC), Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. Prosiding Semnas Penelitian (National Seminar on Research Results) Dissemination of Research Results in Supporting Sustainable Development, Univ. Lampung, Bandar Lampang, Indonesia: 180-185, 1 figure, 3 tables


Díez-del-Molino, D.; Sanchez-Barreiro, F. ; Barnes, I.; Gilbert, M.T.P.; Dalen, L., 2018. Quantifying temporal genomic erosion in endangered species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33 (3): 176-185 -


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